New Client Acquisition

I have been asked a lot about how I have acquired my clients. I can honestly say that it has not been a particularly straight path. However, there are a few ways that I have found new clients, and they have found me. The first way I have met new clients is through word of… Continue reading New Client Acquisition

Instagram Copy

Have you noticed that more and more people are using longer captions on Instagram lately? Does it confuse you because you were always told to keep it short and sweet in the past? This is understandable and part of why social media management can be so difficult for small business owners. Not only is time… Continue reading Instagram Copy

When to outsource

Small business owners are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. They will take on as much as humanly possible to ensure their business' growth and success. However, there comes a time when they have to start outsourcing certain parts of their business. Times when they cannot do any more or merely… Continue reading When to outsource

Content Curation

I get asked a lot about how I come up with and organize my content for each client and their social media platforms. The simple answer is that I plan out each client's content weekly. Then I execute it daily, making adjustments as things come up or as necessary. However, I do far more than… Continue reading Content Curation